Ancient Egyptian Names: Female
A Through L
Ancient Egyptian Names: Male
Ancient Egyptian Names: Female M Through Z
Note: This is made for picking characters for roleplay, especially for Pan Historia.
A -- B -- C -- D
-- E -- F -- G -- H -- I
-- J -- K -- L -- M
-- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R
-- S -- T
-- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z
Name |
Dynasty |
Notes |
Source |
Name elements/meaning |
Source |
Note: Well known ruling queens
are not included. (They're well known). Dynasty may be approximate
as "daughter of" is included in the dynasty of the
father. |
A'at |
12th |
queen |
Bunson |
Ahhotep |
17th & 18th |
queen (2) |
Bunson |
hotep |
Ahmose |
18th |
queen |
Bunson |
Ahmose Hentempet |
NK?-in cache |
princess |
Clayton |
Ahmose Hent-Tenemu |
18th |
princess |
Bunson |
Ahmose Henuttimehu |
NK?-in cache |
queen |
Clayton |
Ahmose Inhapi |
NK?-in cache |
queen |
Clayton |
Ahmose Meryetamun |
NK?-in cache |
queen |
Clayton |
Amon |
Ahmose Meryt-Amon |
18th |
queen |
Bunson |
Amon |
Ahmose Nefertary or Ahmose-Nefertari |
NK?-in cache |
queen |
Clayton, Aldred |
nefer |
Ahmose Nefertiry |
18th |
queen |
Bunson |
nefer |
Ahmose Sitkamose |
NK?-in cache |
queen |
Clayton |
Ahmose Tumerisy |
18th |
princess |
Bunson |
Ahset |
18th |
royal consort, not queen |
Bunson |
Amtes, Yamtisy |
6th |
royal wife |
Bunson |
Amunet, Amuniet |
11th |
queen |
Bunson |
Ana |
13th |
queen |
Bunson |
Aneksi |
What Life was Like |
"She belongs to me" |
What Life was Like |
Ankhesenamon |
18th |
queen |
Bunson |
ankh=life, amon |
Ankhesenpaaten |
18th, Amarna period |
princess |
Clayton |
ankh=life, aten |
Ankhesenpaaten-ta-sherit |
18th, Amarna period |
Ankhesenpaaten's daughter |
Aldred |
ta-sherit=junior |
Ankhes-Pepi |
6th |
queen |
Bunson |
ankh=life |
Ankhetitat |
13th |
princess |
Bunson |
ankh=life |
Ankhnesmerire, Ankhnesmery-Re |
6th |
queen (2) |
Bunson, Clayton |
ankh=life |
Ankhnes-Pepi |
6th |
queen |
Bunson |
Aoh |
11th |
queen |
Bunson |
Ashait, Ashayt |
11th |
queen |
Bunson, Clayton |
Ast |
18th |
princess |
Bunson |
Atet |
4th |
princess |
Bunson |
Baketamon |
18th |
princess |
Bunson |
Servant of Amon |
Bakt |
NK?-in cache |
female |
Clayton |
Servant |
Baktwerel |
19th |
queen |
Bunson |
Beketaten |
18th, Amarna period |
princess |
Clayton |
Servant of Aten |
Berenib, Bernib |
1st |
queen |
Bunson |
Betresh/Tarset |
1st |
queen |
Bunson |
Betrest |
1st |
queen |
Bunson |
Bint-Anath |
19th |
queen |
Bunson, Clayton |
Bunefer |
4th |
queen |
Bunson |
nefer |
Dedyet |
12th |
queen |
Bunson |
Fent-Ankhet |
13th |
princess |
Bunson |
ankh=life |
GilukhipaN |
18th dynasty, Amarna period
Mitannian queen (not Egyptian) |
Aldred |
Hapynma'at |
2nd & 3rd |
queen |
Bunson |
ma'at |
Hedjhekenu |
4th |
queen |
Bunson |
Henhenet, Henhenit |
11th |
queen |
Bunson, Clayton |
Henite |
11th |
queen |
Bunson |
Hent |
1st & 12th |
queen (2) |
Bunson |
Hentaneb |
18th |
princess |
Bunson |
Hentmereb |
18th |
princess |
Bunson |
Hentmire |
19th |
princess |
Bunson |
Hent-Temehu |
18th |
princess |
Bunson |
Henutmire |
19th |
queen |
Clayton |
Henutsen |
4th |
queen |
Bunson, Clayton |
Henuttawy |
NK?-in cache |
queen |
Clayton |
Herit |
15th |
queen |
Bunson |
Herneith |
1st |
queen |
Bunson |
Neith |
Hetepheres, Hetep-heres |
4th |
queen (2) |
Bunson, Clayton |
hetep=peace, offering |
Hetephernebty |
3rd |
queen |
Bunson |
hetep=peace, offering |
Heterphenebty |
3rd |
queen |
Bunson |
hetep=peace, offering |
Huy |
18th dynasty, Amarna |
priestess |
Aldred |
Imi, Yem |
11th |
queen |
Bunson |
Inhapi (may be Thent hep) |
18th |
queen |
Bunson |
Intakaes |
3rd |
sister of a queen |
Bunson |
Iput |
6th |
queen |
Bunson |
Ipwet |
6th |
queen |
Bunson, Clayton |
Ipy |
"true favorite" of the king |
Aldred |
Isetnofret |
19th |
queen |
Bunson |
nefer |
Isis |
18th |
queen |
Bunson |
Istnofret (diff fr Isetnofret) |
19th |
queen |
Bunson |
nefer |
Itekuyet |
12th |
princess |
Clayton |
Itet |
4th |
princess |
Bunson |
Kasmut |
18th |
queen |
Bunson |
Kawit |
11th |
"royal companion" |
Bunson, Clayton |
Kemanub |
12th |
queen |
Bunson |
Kemanut |
12th |
queen |
Bunson |
Kemsit, Kemsiyet, Khemsait |
11th |
"royal companion" |
Bunson, Clayton |
Kentetenka |
4th |
queen |
Bunson |
Khama'at |
4th |
princess |
Bunson, Clayton |
Ma'at |
Khamerernebty |
4th |
queens (2) |
Bunson, Clayton |
Khemut |
5th |
queen |
Bunson |
Khentikus |
5th |
queen |
Bunson |
Khentkawes |
4th |
queen |
Bunson |
Khenut |
5th |
queen |
Bunson |
Khnumt, Khnumet, Khumyt, Khumit |
12th |
princess |
Bunson, Clayton |
Khuit |
6th |
queen |
Bunson |
Kiya |
18th dynasty, Amarna period |
queen |
Bunson |
Aldred, Cyril. (1988). Akhenaten: King of Egypt. London: Thames
and Hudson Ltd.
Bunson, Margaret. (1991). A Dictionary of Ancient Egypt. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Clayton, Peter A. (1994). Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-by-Reign
Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. New York:
Thames and Hudson.
Macdonald, Fiona. (1999). Women in Ancient Egypt. New York:
Bedrick Books.
Other male Egyptian names
Old Kingdom male names
Other female Egyptian names
Old Kingdom female names
To Per Ankh